Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

The standard crown depth and radius relationships


Parameter nameDescription
Crown Height ExponentThe exponent in the standard equation for calculating crown depth.
Crown Radius ExponentThe exponent in the standard equation for determining the crown radius.
Maximum Crown Radius (Standard) (m)The maximum crown radius allowed, in meters.
Slope of Asymptotic Crown HeightSlope of the standard equation for determining crown depth.
Slope of Asymptotic Crown RadiusSlope of the standard equation for determining crown radius.

Crown radius is calculated as:

rad = C1 * DBH a


  • rad is the crown radius, in meters
  • C1 is the Slope of Asymptotic Crown Radius parameter
  • a is the Crown Radius Exponent parameter
  • DBH is the tree's DBH, in cm

Crown radius is limited to a maximum of the value put in the parameter Maximum Crown Radius (Standard) (m).

Crown depth is calculated as

ch = C2 * height b


  • ch is the distance from the top to the bottom of the crown cylinder, in meters
  • C2 is the Slope of Asymptotic Crown Height parameter
  • height is the tree's height in meters
  • b is the Crown Height Exponent parameter