Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

Detailed Substrate calcs Grid

This grid is called "detailedsubstratecalcs" and is created by the Detailed Substrate behavior. This grid is used for intermediate calculations when calculating the values in the Detailed Substrate grid. The grid cell resolution must match Detailed Substrate's.

Data in the grid

Data member nameDescription
Amount of new tip-up moundsNew tip-up mounds area by grid cell, in square meters
New Log Area Sp Group X Small Decay YArea of new small logs added this timestep for species group X, decay class Y, in square meters
New Log Area Sp Group X Large Decay YArea of new large logs added this timestep for species group X, decay class Y, in square meters
Prop Sp Group X Small Decay Y Timestep ZFresh small logs added Z timesteps ago for species group X, decay class Y, as a proportion of grid cell area
Prop Sp Group X Large Decay Y Timestep ZFresh large logs added Z timesteps ago for species group X, decay class Y, as a proportion of grid cell area