Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

Tree map

A tree map is available when you have saved the X, Y, and either the DBH or crown radius of trees in a detailed output file. The tree map does not display seedlings.

XY DBH Tree Map

This map displays a circle for each tree that corresponds to the size of its DBH. The color matches the species in the legend.

The DBH Scale Factor controls the size of the circles being displayed. The size of the tree circles is this value is multiplied by the DBHs. When the value is 1, the circles are approximately life size in relation to each other. Use this value to adjust the display for exceptionally large or small trees; but if the value is not one, remember that the display will not accurately show how close together trees are.

The Minimum DBH to display setting controls the smallest trees shown on the map. This value is in meters.

Crown Radius Tree Map

This map displays a circle for each tree that corresponds to the size of its crown radius. The circles are true to size with respect to the plot and each other. The color matches the species in the legend.

The Minimum Crown Radius to Display setting controls the smallest trees shown on the map. This value is in meters.

Click the "Update Map" button after you have adjusted either display setting.

Clicking and dragging on the tree map zooms in. Once you have zoomed, you can restore the original scale by clicking the button marked "Restore Original View". If you are zoomed, you can scroll around the map in each of the four directions by clicking the arrow buttons surrounding the map.