Software for spatially-explicit simulation of forest dynamics

Edit Monthly Climate Data Importer Window

Use this window to enter data for the Monthly Climate Data Importer behavior. This is a normal parameter entry window with the addition of buttons to allow you to read monthly data directly from files rather than entering it manually or copy-pasting it.

This expects precipitation and temperature data to be in separate files.

File format

Each file is tab-delimited text. Months are in columns, timesteps in rows. SORTIE expects a header row and a row names column, although it does not matter what is in them.


Timestep 14.95-1.550.67-1.3411.159.66.2720.21-3.34-2.12-9.920.79
Timestep 20.72-5.037.7413.97-4.2722.77.9617.3921.2-7.1411.75-2.93
Timestep 36.336.01-0.5821.1510.615.7110.912.94-3.89-6.97-9.49-6.06