SORTIE Core C++ Documentation
Logistic Bi-Level Mortality - Version 1.0. More...
#include <LogisticBiLevelMortality.h>
Public Member Functions | |
clLogisticBiLevelMortality (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
~clLogisticBiLevelMortality () | |
Destructor. More... | |
void | DoShellSetup (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
Reads in values from the parameter file. More... | |
deadCode | DoMort (clTree *p_oTree, const float &fDbh, const short int &iSpecies) |
Calculates mortality according to the logistic equation. More... | |
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clMortalityBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~clMortalityBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
void | Action () |
Performs mortality calculations. More... | |
clMortalityOrg * | GetMortOrg () |
Gets the mortality org object. More... | |
void | RegisterTreeDataMembers () |
Triggers the mortality data member registrations. More... | |
short int | GetNewTreeInts () |
Overridden from clBehaviorBase. More... | |
bool | UsesThisMortality (short int iSp, short int iTp) |
Whether or not a species/type combo uses this mortality object. More... | |
virtual void | PreMortCalcs (clTreePopulation *p_oPop) |
Performs calculations before any trees have been killed. More... | |
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virtual float | GetBehaviorVersion () |
Gets the behavior version number. More... | |
clBehaviorBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~clBehaviorBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual short int | ValidateVersionNumber (float fTestVersion) |
Makes sure that the version number of a file passed is between the minimum and current version numbers. More... | |
virtual void | SetSpeciesTypeCombos (short int iNumCombos, stcSpeciesTypeCombo *p_whatCombos) |
Sets the species/type combos for a behavior. More... | |
virtual void | SetNameData (std::string sNameString) |
Sets the string for the parameter file behavior. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeFloats () |
Gets the number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeChars () |
Gets the number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeBools () |
Gets the number of new tree bool data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNumSpeciesTypeCombos () |
Gets the number of species/type combos to which this behavior applies. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNumBehaviorSpecies () |
Gets the number of unique tree species to which this behavior applies. More... | |
struct stcSpeciesTypeCombo | GetSpeciesTypeCombo (short int iIndex) |
Gets one of this behavior's type/species combos. More... | |
virtual short int | GetBehaviorSpecies (short int iIndex) |
Gets one of the behavior's species. More... | |
short int | GetBehaviorListNumber () |
Gets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More... | |
void | SetBehaviorListNumber (short int iNumber) |
Sets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More... | |
std::string | FormatSpeciesTypeQueryString () |
Formats the string for species/types query. More... | |
virtual DOMElement * | GetParentParametersElement (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
This will get the correct set of parameters for this behavior based on the behavior list position number. More... | |
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clWorkerBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~clWorkerBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
std::string | GetName () |
Gets the object's namestring. More... | |
clSimManager * | GetSimManager () |
void | DoObjectSetup (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc, fileType iFileType) |
Triggers the setup process. More... | |
virtual void | TimestepCleanup () |
Performs any necessary cleanup operations at the end of a timestep. More... | |
virtual void | EndOfRunCleanup () |
Performs any necessary cleanup operations at the end of a run. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
clGrid * | mp_oStormLight |
"Storm Light" grid object More... | |
clTreePopulation * | mp_oPop |
Tree population - for getting data codes. More... | |
double * | mp_fLoLightB |
Mortality equation low light "b" - sized number of behavior species. More... | |
double * | mp_fLoLightA |
Mortality equation low light "a" - sized number of behavior species. More... | |
double * | mp_fHiLightB |
Mortality equation high light "b" - sized number of behavior species. More... | |
double * | mp_fHiLightA |
Mortality equation high light "a" - sized number of behavior species. More... | |
double * | mp_fHiLightThreshold |
Threshold between low light and high light mortality, as a value between 0 and 100 - sized number of behavior species. More... | |
int * | mp_iIndexes |
To help access the other arrays. More... | |
int | m_iYearsPerTimestep |
Conversion factor to translate the results of the function to the appropriate units per timestep. More... | |
int | m_iLightCode |
Code for the "Light" data member of the "Storm Light" grid. More... | |
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short int | m_iNumTotalSpecies |
Keep a copy for the constructor. More... | |
bool | m_bHooked |
Whether or not this shell object is hooked to clMortalityOrg. More... | |
bool ** | mp_bUsesThisMortality |
2D array, species by type, of whether or not this mortality shell applies to a given species/type combo. More... | |
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short int | m_iNumSpeciesTypeCombos |
How many type/species combos a behavior will act on. More... | |
short int | m_iNumBehaviorSpecies |
How many distinct species are in the combo list - important for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More... | |
short int * | mp_iWhatSpecies |
List of distinct species - for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More... | |
stcSpeciesTypeCombo * | mp_whatSpeciesTypeCombos |
Array of species/type combos that the behavior will act on. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeInts |
The number of new tree integer data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeFloats |
The number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeChars |
The number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeBools |
The number of new tree boolean data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iBehaviorListNumber |
The number of this behavior in the behavior list, to differentiate between possible multiple copies of this behavior. More... | |
float | m_fVersionNumber |
Version number - this will be rounded to 2 digits after the decimal place. More... | |
std::string | m_sXMLRoot |
XML root that encloses the parameters for this behavior. More... | |
float | m_fMinimumVersionNumber |
Minimum version number - this behavior will run parameter data for a file marked between this number and the current version number, inclusive. More... | |
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std::string | m_sNameString |
If a behavior has registered a command line command with the sim manager, this allows it to be called. More... | |
clSimManager * | mp_oSimManager |
Pointer to the simulation manager object. More... | |
int * | mp_iAllowedFileTypes |
List of the input file types this object can handle. More... | |
int | m_iNumAllowedTypes |
Number of input file types this object can handle. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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void | GetData (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
Triggers all mortality setup. More... | |
void | PopulateUsesThisMortality () |
Declares and populates the mp_bUsesThisMortality array. More... | |
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void | AssembleFileCode (int iFileType, int iFileVersion, char *cCode) |
Creates the proper identifying filecode for an XML file. More... | |
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static clMortalityOrg * | mp_oMortalityOrg |
clMortalityOrg object. More... | |
Logistic Bi-Level Mortality - Version 1.0.
This evaluates mortality according to a logistic equation, with the possibility of two sets of parameters for each species. The two sets of parameters can be used for two different mortality rates at high and low light.
The equation used in this behavior is:
This behavior can also take into account light levels coming from the "Storm Light" grid object produced by clStormLight. This behavior can use two different sets of parameter values - one at low light and one at high light. The user sets the threshold between the two. The equation remains the same.
This class's namestring is "logistic bilevel mortshell". The parameter file call string is "LogisticBiLevelMortality".
Copyright 2005 Charles D. Canham.
Edit history:
May 5, 2005 - Created (LEM)
clLogisticBiLevelMortality::clLogisticBiLevelMortality | ( | clSimManager * | p_oSimManager | ) |
p_oSimManager | Sim Manager object. |
clLogisticBiLevelMortality::~clLogisticBiLevelMortality | ( | ) |
virtual |
Calculates mortality according to the logistic equation.
If the light grid is present, this retrieves the light level in the tree's grid cell. If it is above the threshold, the high-light parameters are used. If it is below the threshold, the low-light parameters are used. If the light grid is not present, the low-light parameters are used.
p_oTree | Tree being evaluated |
fDbh | Tree's DBH |
iSpecies | Species of the tree being evaluated |
Implements clMortalityBase.
virtual |
Reads in values from the parameter file.
p_oDoc | DOM tree of parsed input file. |
Reimplemented from clMortalityBase.
protected |
Code for the "Light" data member of the "Storm Light" grid.
protected |
Conversion factor to translate the results of the function to the appropriate units per timestep.
protected |
Mortality equation high light "a" - sized number of behavior species.
protected |
Mortality equation high light "b" - sized number of behavior species.
protected |
Threshold between low light and high light mortality, as a value between 0 and 100 - sized number of behavior species.
protected |
Mortality equation low light "a" - sized number of behavior species.
protected |
Mortality equation low light "b" - sized number of behavior species.
protected |
To help access the other arrays.
protected |
Tree population - for getting data codes.
protected |
"Storm Light" grid object