SORTIE Core C++ Documentation
Substrate - Version 2.1. More...
#include <Substrate.h>
Public Member Functions | |
clSubstrate (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
~clSubstrate () | |
Destructor. More... | |
void | GetData (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
Performs setup for substrate. More... | |
void | Action () |
Computes substrate for a timestep. More... | |
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virtual float | GetBehaviorVersion () |
Gets the behavior version number. More... | |
clBehaviorBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~clBehaviorBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
virtual short int | ValidateVersionNumber (float fTestVersion) |
Makes sure that the version number of a file passed is between the minimum and current version numbers. More... | |
virtual void | RegisterTreeDataMembers () |
Registers tree data members. More... | |
virtual void | SetSpeciesTypeCombos (short int iNumCombos, stcSpeciesTypeCombo *p_whatCombos) |
Sets the species/type combos for a behavior. More... | |
virtual void | SetNameData (std::string sNameString) |
Sets the string for the parameter file behavior. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeInts () |
Gets the number of new tree integer data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeFloats () |
Gets the number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeChars () |
Gets the number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNewTreeBools () |
Gets the number of new tree bool data members this behavior wants to register. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNumSpeciesTypeCombos () |
Gets the number of species/type combos to which this behavior applies. More... | |
virtual short int | GetNumBehaviorSpecies () |
Gets the number of unique tree species to which this behavior applies. More... | |
struct stcSpeciesTypeCombo | GetSpeciesTypeCombo (short int iIndex) |
Gets one of this behavior's type/species combos. More... | |
virtual short int | GetBehaviorSpecies (short int iIndex) |
Gets one of the behavior's species. More... | |
short int | GetBehaviorListNumber () |
Gets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More... | |
void | SetBehaviorListNumber (short int iNumber) |
Sets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More... | |
std::string | FormatSpeciesTypeQueryString () |
Formats the string for species/types query. More... | |
virtual DOMElement * | GetParentParametersElement (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
This will get the correct set of parameters for this behavior based on the behavior list position number. More... | |
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clWorkerBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager) | |
Constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~clWorkerBase () |
Destructor. More... | |
std::string | GetName () |
Gets the object's namestring. More... | |
clSimManager * | GetSimManager () |
void | DoObjectSetup (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc, fileType iFileType) |
Triggers the setup process. More... | |
virtual void | TimestepCleanup () |
Performs any necessary cleanup operations at the end of a timestep. More... | |
virtual void | EndOfRunCleanup () |
Performs any necessary cleanup operations at the end of a run. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
void | GetParameterFileData (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc) |
Gets the values from the parameter file. More... | |
void | SetupSubstrateGrids () |
Sets up the substrate grids and registers all their data members. More... | |
void | AdjustNewSubstrateToProportion () |
Converts new fresh logs and tip-up from square meters to a proportion of the grid cell. More... | |
void | PopulateInitialConditions () |
Gives each substrate grid cell the proportions of substrate defined as the initial conditions in the parameter file. More... | |
void | GetDeadCodes () |
Populates the mp_iDeadCodes array with the data member codes for the "dead" data member. More... | |
void | CalculateDecayProportions () |
Calculates the proportion of decay for each timestep for fresh logs, tip- up mounds, and scarified soil. More... | |
void | HarvestSubstrate () |
Adds the effects of harvests to the substrate grid. More... | |
void | UpdateSubstrateAges () |
Updates the ages of the fresh logs and decayed logs created over previous timesteps. More... | |
void | MortalitySubstrate () |
Adds the effects of the new dead trees to the substrate grid by calling AddNewDeadTrees() and AdjustSubstrateForMortality(). More... | |
void | AddNewDeadTrees () |
Finds new dead trees to add to substrate. More... | |
void | AdjustSubstrateForMortality () |
For each grid cell in the substrate array, this adjusts the package values for new substrate added in AddNewDeadTrees(). More... | |
void | AddHarvestAndInitialNewSubstrate () |
Adds the amount of new fresh logs and new tip-up created by a harvest or in the initial conditions to the calculations grid. More... | |
void | DecaySubstrate () |
Performs substrate decay. More... | |
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void | AssembleFileCode (int iFileType, int iFileVersion, char *cCode) |
Creates the proper identifying filecode for an XML file. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
double * | mp_fPropOfDeadThatFall |
Proportion of dead trees that fall. More... | |
double * | mp_fPropOfFallenThatUproot |
Proportion of fallen dead that uproot. More... | |
double * | mp_fPropOfSnagsThatUproot |
Proportion of dead snags that uproot. More... | |
double * | mp_fFLogDecayProp |
Decay proportion for each timestep for fresh logs. More... | |
double * | mp_fScarSoilDecayProp |
Decay proportion for each timestep for scarified soil. More... | |
double * | mp_fTipupDecayProp |
Decay proportion for each timestep for tip-up mounds. More... | |
double * | mp_fDecLogDecayProp |
Decay proportion for each timestep for decayed logs. More... | |
short int ** | mp_iDeadCodes |
Array (species by type) of codes for the "dead" tree bool data member. More... | |
short int * | mp_iFLogCalcsCode |
Code for using freshlog_i data member of calculations grid. More... | |
short int * | mp_iDecLogCalcsCode |
Code for using declog_i data member of calculations grid. More... | |
bool ** | mp_bSubstrateApplies |
Array (species by type) of whether or not substrate applies to this tree kind. More... | |
double | m_fScarifiedSoilA |
Scarified soil alpha decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fTipUpA |
Tip-up alpha decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fFreshLogA |
Fresh log alpha decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fDecayedLogA |
Decayed logs alpha decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fScarifiedSoilB |
Scarified soil beta decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fTipUpB |
Tip-up beta decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fFreshLogB |
Fresh log beta decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fDecayedLogB |
Decayed logs beta decay parameter. More... | |
double | m_fInitScarifiedSoil |
Scarified soil initial conditions proportion. More... | |
double | m_fInitTipUp |
Tip-up initial conditions proportion. More... | |
double | m_fInitFreshLog |
Fresh log initial conditions proportion. More... | |
double | m_fInitDecayedLog |
Decayed log initial conditions proportion. More... | |
double | m_fPartCutScarifiedSoil |
Scarified soil partial cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fPartCutTipUp |
Tip-up partial cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fPartCutFreshLog |
Fresh log partial cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fPartCutDecayedLog |
Decayed log partial cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fGapCutScarifiedSoil |
Scarified soil gap cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fGapCutTipUp |
Tip-up gap cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fGapCutFreshLog |
Fresh log gap cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fGapCutDecayedLog |
Decayed log gap cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fClearCutScarifiedSoil |
Scarified soil clear cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fClearCutTipUp |
Tip-up clear cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fClearCutFreshLog |
Fresh log clear cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fClearCutDecayedLog |
Decayed log clear cut proportion. More... | |
double | m_fRootTipupFactor |
Amount by which the tree radius is multiplied when calculating the tip-up mound to account for the effects of root rip-out. More... | |
double | m_fMossProportion |
Proportion of the litter/moss pool that is moss. More... | |
float | m_fGridCellArea |
Grid cell area of substrate grid. More... | |
float | m_fRecipOfGridCellArea |
Reciprocal of grid cell area - for proportion-of-area calculations. More... | |
int | m_iMaxDecayYears |
Maximum number of years a package is allowed to exist. More... | |
int | m_iMaxDecayTimesteps |
m_iMaxDecayYears divided by the number of years per timestep, for setting up grid data members. More... | |
short int | m_iNumTotalSpecies |
Total number of species - for destructor. More... | |
short int | m_iScarSoilCode |
Code for using scarsoil grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iFFMossCode |
Code for using ffmoss grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iFFLitterCode |
Code for using fflitter grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iTipupCode |
Code for using tipup grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iFreshLogCode |
Code for using freshlog grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iDecLogCode |
Code for using declog grid data member. More... | |
short int | m_iPkgAgeCode |
Code for using age package data member. More... | |
short int | m_iPkgScarSoilCode |
Code for using scarsoil package data member. More... | |
short int | m_iPkgTipupCode |
Code for using tipup package data member. More... | |
short int | m_iPkgFreshLogCode |
Code for using freshlog package data member. More... | |
short int | m_iHarvestTypeCode |
Code for using harvesttype data member of harvest grid. More... | |
short int | m_iTipupCalcsCode |
Code for using newtipup data member of calculations grid. More... | |
bool | m_bParFileHasSubstrateMap |
Whether or not the parameter file had a substrate map in it. More... | |
bool | m_bUseDirectionalTreeFall |
Whether to use directional tree fall. More... | |
clGrid * | mp_oSubstrateGrid |
Grid object containing substrate data, called "Substrate". More... | |
clGrid * | mp_oCalcGrid |
Grid object for intermediate calculations. More... | |
clGrid * | mp_oHarvestGrid |
Harvest grid object, if it exists. More... | |
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short int | m_iNumSpeciesTypeCombos |
How many type/species combos a behavior will act on. More... | |
short int | m_iNumBehaviorSpecies |
How many distinct species are in the combo list - important for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More... | |
short int * | mp_iWhatSpecies |
List of distinct species - for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More... | |
stcSpeciesTypeCombo * | mp_whatSpeciesTypeCombos |
Array of species/type combos that the behavior will act on. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeInts |
The number of new tree integer data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeFloats |
The number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeChars |
The number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iNewTreeBools |
The number of new tree boolean data members this behavior wants to add. More... | |
short int | m_iBehaviorListNumber |
The number of this behavior in the behavior list, to differentiate between possible multiple copies of this behavior. More... | |
float | m_fVersionNumber |
Version number - this will be rounded to 2 digits after the decimal place. More... | |
std::string | m_sXMLRoot |
XML root that encloses the parameters for this behavior. More... | |
float | m_fMinimumVersionNumber |
Minimum version number - this behavior will run parameter data for a file marked between this number and the current version number, inclusive. More... | |
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std::string | m_sNameString |
If a behavior has registered a command line command with the sim manager, this allows it to be called. More... | |
clSimManager * | mp_oSimManager |
Pointer to the simulation manager object. More... | |
int * | mp_iAllowedFileTypes |
List of the input file types this object can handle. More... | |
int | m_iNumAllowedTypes |
Number of input file types this object can handle. More... | |
Substrate - Version 2.1.
Substrate keeps track of what the forest floor in a particular location is made of at any given time. There are six kinds of substrate: fresh logs, decayed logs, scarified soil, tip-up, forest floor litter, and forest floor moss. This behavior tracks the input of new fresh logs and tip-up through the fall of dead trees, the changing of substrate conditions due to harvest, and the decay of all other substrate types into forest floor litter and moss. Forest floor litter and forest floor moss act as a common pool, with one in fixed proportion to the other.
Freshly dead live trees have a certain probability of falling to create new fresh log substrate, and the fallen have a certain probability of creating new tip-up. Dead snags always contribute new fresh log, and have their own probability of creating tip-up. The amount of fresh logs and tip-up contributed by a downed tree depends on the size of the tree.
Trees can collapse vertically to put all of their fresh log area in the grid cell in which they are rooted, or they can fall in a random direction and contribute fresh log area to more than one cell. This option is controlled by the user. All tip-up area is always contributed to the cell in which the tree is rooted.
The change in substrate contributed by harvest events is set directly in the parameter file. Harvest is the only way to introduce new scarified soil substrate.
The substrate behavior will create a grid called "Substrate." In this grid are contained, for each grid cell, the relative proportions of the various types of substrate as a value between 0 and 1.
An input of new substrate through mortality or harvest is tracked in a grid package. For a package, the relative proportions of substrate are subjected through time to increasing levels of substrate decay, until the package reaches the maximum age limit and is removed. The master grid cell substrate proportions are calculated from the input of all the packages associated with that cell.
Substrate parameters relating to harvest are not required unless the Harvest behavior is being used for a run.
Substrate should be applied to all the species/type combos for trees that can contribute to new fresh log generation. Substrate depends on there being a bool data member of the trees called "dead" in these trees (the absence of this code being previously defined will cause a fatal error). The data member should have a value of true if a tree is dead. Dead trees should not yet have been removed from the tree population. Substrate cannot be applied to seedlings; trying to do so causes a fatal error.
If Substrate determines that a dead tree falls over, it calls the tree population's KillTree() function, with a reason code of "remove", to force its removal from memory and to prevent its becoming a snag. Note that if any other behaviors become interested in dead trees, this could be a problem.
The namestring and parameter file call string of this behavior are both "Substrate".
Copyright 2011 Charles D. Canham.
Edit history:
October 20, 2011 - Wiped the slate clean for SORTIE 7.0 (LEM)
clSubstrate::clSubstrate | ( | clSimManager * | p_oSimManager | ) |
p_oSimManager | Sim Manager object. |
clSubstrate::~clSubstrate | ( | ) |
virtual |
Computes substrate for a timestep.
First HarvestSubstrate() adds the effects of any harvests that occurred this timestep. Then MortalitySubstrate() adds new dead trees. Then DecaySubstrate() decays cohorts and comes up with the aggregate substrate amounts.
Reimplemented from clBehaviorBase.
protected |
Adds the amount of new fresh logs and new tip-up created by a harvest or in the initial conditions to the calculations grid.
These values are just those set in the parameter file for initial conditions or for the type of harvest that occurred. This is a separate step so that the calculations for mortality don't get screwed up when the amount of substrate in cohort packages is being reduced. If there has been no harvest, or this is later than timestep 1, nothing will happen.
protected |
Finds new dead trees to add to substrate.
Dead trees are identifiable by a value of true in their "dead" data member. For saplings and adults, a random number is used to determine if a tree falls over (and thus becomes part of the tally of new fresh log substrate). Snags that are "dead" are already considered fallen. For fallen trees, another random number determines if it uproots (and thus adds to the new tip-up area exposed). Saplings can't create tip-up. Adults and snags have separate probabilities of uproot.
Trees that fall are passed to clTreePopulation::KillTree() with remove as the code to force them to go away. This ensures they do not become snags.
Both the amount of new fresh log and the amount of tip-up added are a function of tree size. New fresh log area is calculated as FA = r*h, where FA is new fresh log area in square meters, r is tree radius in meters, and h is tree height in meters. New tip-up area is calculated as OA = pi * (r*F)2, where OA is the new tip-up area in square meters, r is the tree radius in meters, and F is the value in m_fRootTipupFactor, which accounts for the effects of root disturbance. If m_bDirectionalTreeFall is true, trees that fall do so in a random direction. The area of the log is divided evenly into h*2 chunks, where h is the tree height in m. The function walks out the length of the log in 0.5-m intervals, and whatever grid cell the end of the interval falls in gets a fresh log area chunk. If m_bDirectionalTreeFall is false, all fresh log area is put in the cell in which the tree was rooted.
For each tree, its amounts of new fresh logs and new tip-up, in square meters, are added to the freshlog_0 and newtipup data members of the calculations grid to the grid cell in which the tree was rooted.
protected |
Converts new fresh logs and tip-up from square meters to a proportion of the grid cell.
If the area of the new substrates is greater than the area of the grid cell, each substrate is divided by the combined area of the two to get a proportion.
protected |
For each grid cell in the substrate array, this adjusts the package values for new substrate added in AddNewDeadTrees().
First, the amounts of new substrate for fresh logs and tip-up in square meters of area is converted to a proportion of total substrate. Then the proportions of all substrate cohort packages are reduced accordingly to make way for the new stuff. If a substrate event has already happened for this timestep (it is the first timestep or there was a harvest event), the new substrate is added to that event's package. Otherwise, a new package with the new substrate proportions is added.
protected |
Calculates the proportion of decay for each timestep for fresh logs, tip- up mounds, and scarified soil.
This calculates exp( α * t β ) for each timestep up to m_iMaxDecayTimesteps.
protected |
Performs substrate decay.
The first part of this function is about package management: removing packages that are too old, and adding the amounts of fresh logs, tip-up, and scarified soil together from the others, decaying them appropriately according to the package's age. Then these amounts are assigned to the master substrate list for each cell and decayed logs and forest floor calculated.
virtual |
Performs setup for substrate.
First, GetParameterFileData() reads values from the parameter file. Then, SetupSubstrateGrids() is called. Then PopulateInitialConditions(). Then GetDeadCodes().
p_oDoc | DOM tree of parsed input file. |
Implements clWorkerBase.
protected |
Populates the mp_iDeadCodes array with the data member codes for the "dead" data member.
Error | if there is a species/type combo which participates in substrate but does not have a bool data member called "dead" registered. |
protected |
Gets the values from the parameter file.
p_oDoc | DOM tree of parsed input file. |
protected |
Adds the effects of harvests to the substrate grid.
If Harvest isn't being used, or no harvest occurred this timestep, nothing happens. If there was a harvest, each grid cell in which harvest occurred is evaluated separately. All existing packages for a cell are deleted, and a new harvest package is created with the conditions from the parameter file matching the harvest type in the "harvestresults" grid. The age is set to 0 so that no decay occurs and the values in the package will match the final grid cell values. The amount of fresh log in square meters that was created by harvest is added to the calculations grid's newfreshlogs data member. All other fresh logs are erased.
protected |
Adds the effects of the new dead trees to the substrate grid by calling AddNewDeadTrees() and AdjustSubstrateForMortality().
protected |
Gives each substrate grid cell the proportions of substrate defined as the initial conditions in the parameter file.
Then each cell is given a package with the same initial conditions proportions of substrate. The fresh logs data member in the calcs grid for this timestep is set to the amount of initial conditions fresh logs.
If a grid map was read in with the parameter file, as indicated by m_bParFileHasSubstrateMap = true, this function does not do anything.
protected |
Sets up the substrate grids and registers all their data members.
If the harvest grid exists, substrate is required to match its grid cell resolution.
protected |
Updates the ages of the fresh logs and decayed logs created over previous timesteps.
The values are held in the data members freshlogs_i and declogs_i, where i is the new substrate proportion i timesteps ago. This shifts all values back one. For example, the value in freshlogs_2 is put in freshlogs_3, whose value is put in freshlogs_4, etc. The last value is discarded. freshlogs_0 and declogs_0 is set to 0, ready for the additions of the current timestep.
Also, this sets the value of the organics and fltemp calcs grid data members to 0.
This does not execute the first timestep because initial conditions has populated a value into the first bucket of the array that should stay there.
protected |
Whether or not the parameter file had a substrate map in it.
If it did, initial conditions will not be populated.
protected |
Whether to use directional tree fall.
If true, trees fall in a random direction and contribute fresh log area to potentially multiple grid cells. If false, trees that fall contribute all of their fresh log area to the cell in which they are rooted.
protected |
Decayed log clear cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Fresh log clear cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Scarified soil clear cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Tip-up clear cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Decayed logs alpha decay parameter.
protected |
Decayed logs beta decay parameter.
protected |
Fresh log alpha decay parameter.
protected |
Fresh log beta decay parameter.
protected |
Decayed log gap cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Fresh log gap cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Scarified soil gap cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Tip-up gap cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Grid cell area of substrate grid.
protected |
Decayed log initial conditions proportion.
protected |
Fresh log initial conditions proportion.
protected |
Scarified soil initial conditions proportion.
protected |
Tip-up initial conditions proportion.
protected |
Proportion of the litter/moss pool that is moss.
protected |
Decayed log partial cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Fresh log partial cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Scarified soil partial cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Tip-up partial cut proportion.
Not required if Harvest is not being used.
protected |
Reciprocal of grid cell area - for proportion-of-area calculations.
protected |
Amount by which the tree radius is multiplied when calculating the tip-up mound to account for the effects of root rip-out.
protected |
Scarified soil alpha decay parameter.
protected |
Scarified soil beta decay parameter.
protected |
Tip-up alpha decay parameter.
protected |
Tip-up beta decay parameter.
protected |
Code for using declog grid data member.
protected |
Code for using fflitter grid data member.
protected |
Code for using ffmoss grid data member.
protected |
Code for using freshlog grid data member.
protected |
Code for using harvesttype data member of harvest grid.
protected |
m_iMaxDecayYears divided by the number of years per timestep, for setting up grid data members.
protected |
Maximum number of years a package is allowed to exist.
protected |
Total number of species - for destructor.
protected |
Code for using age package data member.
protected |
Code for using freshlog package data member.
protected |
Code for using scarsoil package data member.
protected |
Code for using tipup package data member.
protected |
Code for using scarsoil grid data member.
protected |
Code for using newtipup data member of calculations grid.
protected |
Code for using tipup grid data member.
protected |
Array (species by type) of whether or not substrate applies to this tree kind.
protected |
Decay proportion for each timestep for decayed logs.
This is exp( α * t β ) . Array size is m_iMaxDecayTimesteps + 1.
protected |
Decay proportion for each timestep for fresh logs.
This is exp( α * t β ) . Array size is m_iMaxDecayTimesteps + 1.
protected |
Proportion of dead trees that fall.
Array size is total number of species.
protected |
Proportion of fallen dead that uproot.
Array size is total number of species.
protected |
Proportion of dead snags that uproot.
Array size is total number of species.
protected |
Decay proportion for each timestep for scarified soil.
This is exp( α * t β ) . Array size is m_iMaxDecayTimesteps + 1.
protected |
Decay proportion for each timestep for tip-up mounds.
This is exp( α * t β ) . Array size is m_iMaxDecayTimesteps + 1.
protected |
Array (species by type) of codes for the "dead" tree bool data member.
protected |
Code for using declog_i data member of calculations grid.
protected |
Code for using freshlog_i data member of calculations grid.
protected |
Grid object for intermediate calculations.
This grid is called "substratecalcs". The grid cell resolution matches "Substrate". Data members:
Data member name | Data type | Description |
newtipup | float | New tip-up area by grid cell, in square meters |
freshlog_i | float | Fresh logs i timesteps ago up to m_iMaxDecayTimesteps, as a proportion of grid cell area |
declog_i | float | Decayed logs added i timesteps ago up to m_iMaxDecayTimesteps, as a proportion of grid cell area |
protected |
Harvest grid object, if it exists.
protected |
Grid object containing substrate data, called "Substrate".
If there is a harvest grid, the grid cell resolution must match it. If this is not the case, and there is no user-defined grid cell resolution, then the default grid resolution is used.
Maps of this grid in the parameter file will be honored, but they must define all data members below (even if they don't include values for all of them).
The grid cell record will consist of 5 float data members. They are:
Data member name | Data type | Description |
scarsoil | float | Scarified soil, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
ffmoss | float | Forest floor moss, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
fflitter | float | Forest floor litter, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
tipup | float | Tip-up, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
freshlog | float | Fresh logs, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
declog | float | Decayed logs, expressed as a proportion between 0 and 1. |
The packages will have the following structure:
Data member name | Data type | Description |
age | int | Age of package in timesteps |
scarsoil | float | Scarified soil added this package. Should not be changed. |
tipup | float | Tip-up added this package. Should not be changed. |
freshlog | float | Fresh logs added this package. Should not be changed. |
The packages will be in the order of oldest first.