SORTIE Core C++ Documentation
Core_Model Directory Reference


directory  Behaviors


file  Allometry.h
file  BehaviorBase.h
file  Behaviors.h
file  Constants.h
 Constant declarations.
file  DataTypes.h
 Here is a universal place to define model-specific data types, structures, enums, etc.
file  DeadTree.h
file  GhostTreePopulation.h
file  Grid.h
file  Grids.h
file  MainDoc.h
file  Messages.h
 ERROR AND MESSAGE PASSING This defines a set of codes that can be used to pass errors and messages.
file  ModelMath.h
file  ObjectManagerBase.h
file  ParsingFunctions.h
 Data Extraction Functions These functions are designed to work with the Xerces 2.1.0 library.
file  PlatformFuncs.h
 These are functions which use platform-specific code.
file  Plot.h
file  PopulationBase.h
file  Populations.h
file  SimManager.h
file  Tree.h
file  TreePopulation.h
file  TreeSearch.h
file  WorkerBase.h