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clMastingSpatialDisperse Class Reference

Spatial disperse with masting - Version 1.0. More...

#include <MastingSpatialDisperse.h>

Inheritance diagram for clMastingSpatialDisperse:
clDisperseBase clBehaviorBase clWorkerBase

Public Member Functions

 clMastingSpatialDisperse (clSimManager *p_oSimManager)
 Constructor. More...
 ~clMastingSpatialDisperse ()
 Destructor. More...
mastEvent GetMastEvent (int iSp)
 Get whether a given species masted this timestep. More...
int GetTimestepsSinceLastMast (int iSp)
 Gets the number of years since the last mast for a species. More...
float GetMastCDF (int sp, int yr)
 Gets the value of the masting cumulative distribution function at a particular point. More...
int GetMaxTimesteps ()
 Get max timesteps. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from clDisperseBase
 clDisperseBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~clDisperseBase ()
 Destroys common objects. More...
void Action ()
 Performs all disperse calculations. More...
void TimestepCleanup ()
 Resets all values in the seed grid to 0 and sets the static m_bUpdatedGapStatus to false if this is a hooked object. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from clBehaviorBase
virtual float GetBehaviorVersion ()
 Gets the behavior version number. More...
 clBehaviorBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~clBehaviorBase ()
 Destructor. More...
virtual short int ValidateVersionNumber (float fTestVersion)
 Makes sure that the version number of a file passed is between the minimum and current version numbers. More...
virtual void RegisterTreeDataMembers ()
 Registers tree data members. More...
virtual void SetSpeciesTypeCombos (short int iNumCombos, stcSpeciesTypeCombo *p_whatCombos)
 Sets the species/type combos for a behavior. More...
virtual void SetNameData (std::string sNameString)
 Sets the string for the parameter file behavior. More...
virtual short int GetNewTreeInts ()
 Gets the number of new tree integer data members this behavior wants to register. More...
virtual short int GetNewTreeFloats ()
 Gets the number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to register. More...
virtual short int GetNewTreeChars ()
 Gets the number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to register. More...
virtual short int GetNewTreeBools ()
 Gets the number of new tree bool data members this behavior wants to register. More...
virtual short int GetNumSpeciesTypeCombos ()
 Gets the number of species/type combos to which this behavior applies. More...
virtual short int GetNumBehaviorSpecies ()
 Gets the number of unique tree species to which this behavior applies. More...
struct stcSpeciesTypeCombo GetSpeciesTypeCombo (short int iIndex)
 Gets one of this behavior's type/species combos. More...
virtual short int GetBehaviorSpecies (short int iIndex)
 Gets one of the behavior's species. More...
short int GetBehaviorListNumber ()
 Gets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More...
void SetBehaviorListNumber (short int iNumber)
 Sets the behavior list number for this behavior, which differentiates between multiple copies of the behavior in the behavior list. More...
std::string FormatSpeciesTypeQueryString ()
 Formats the string for species/types query. More...
virtual DOMElement * GetParentParametersElement (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc)
 This will get the correct set of parameters for this behavior based on the behavior list position number. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from clWorkerBase
 clWorkerBase (clSimManager *p_oSimManager)
 Constructor. More...
virtual ~clWorkerBase ()
 Destructor. More...
std::string GetName ()
 Gets the object's namestring. More...
clSimManagerGetSimManager ()
void DoObjectSetup (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc, fileType iFileType)
 Triggers the setup process. More...
virtual void EndOfRunCleanup ()
 Performs any necessary cleanup operations at the end of a run. More...

Protected Types

typedef float(clMastingSpatialDisperse::* Ptr2GetNumberOfSeeds) (const float &, const short int &)
 Define a type for pointers to functions of the GetNumberOfSeeds type. More...
- Protected Types inherited from clDisperseBase
enum  function { weibull, lognormal }
 What PDF is used by a species. More...
enum  cover { gap, canopy }
 Cover status. More...

Protected Member Functions

void DoShellSetup (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc)
 Does setup. More...
void CalcMastCDF (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc)
 Calculates the masting cumulative distribution function. More...
void CalcSeedCDF (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc, clTreePopulation *p_oPop)
 Calculates the cumulative distribution functions for seed dispersal. More...
void FormatQueryString (clTreePopulation *p_oPop)
 Formats the string in m_cQuery. More...
void DisperseOneParentSeeds (clTree *p_oTree, clTreePopulation *p_oPop, clPlot *p_oPlot, float fDbh)
 Performs dispersal of seeds for one tree. More...
void GetParameterFileData (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc, clTreePopulation *p_oPop)
 Extracts needed parameter file data. More...
void PopulateUsedTable (clTreePopulation *p_oPop)
 Declares and populates the mp_bIsUsed array. More...
void SetGetSeedsFunctionPointers ()
 This figures out how each species's number of seeds is calculated. More...
void CalculateProbabilityDistribution (float *p_fProbArray, const int &iMaxDistance, const function &iFunction, const float &fDispersalX0, const float &fThetaXb)
 Calculates the normalized probability distribution for a function for one species. More...
void AddSeeds ()
 Performs disperse. More...
void DecideMast ()
 Decides whether masting events occur for each species. More...
float GetNumberOfSeedsNoDraw (const float &fDbh, const short int &iSp)
 Gets the number of seeds for a tree when there does not need to be an STR draw. More...
float GetNumberOfSeedsDrawNormal (const float &fDbh, const short int &iSp)
 Gets the number of seeds for a tree when the tree needs a normal STR draw. More...
float GetNumberOfSeedsDrawLognormal (const float &fDbh, const short int &iSp)
 Gets the number of seeds for a tree when the tree needs a lognormal STR draw. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from clDisperseBase
void GetData (xercesc::DOMDocument *p_oDoc)
 Triggers all disperse setup if an object is hooked. More...
void SetUpBase ()
 Does disperse base setup. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from clWorkerBase
void AssembleFileCode (int iFileType, int iFileVersion, char *cCode)
 Creates the proper identifying filecode for an XML file. More...

Protected Attributes

float *** mp_fSeedCDF
 For testing. More...
double ** mp_fStrMean
 STR mean (or STR value if deterministic). More...
double ** mp_fStrStdDev
 STR standard deviation. More...
double ** mp_fBeta
 Beta parameter. More...
float ** mp_fMastCDF
 Masting cumulative distribution function. More...
double ** mp_fFractionParticipating
 Fraction participating in disperse. More...
bool ** mp_bIsUsed
 Whether this behavior is used by a species/type combo. More...
float * mp_fFecundity
 Fecundity, if it is possible to pre-calculate it. More...
double * mp_fDbhForReproduction
 Array of species with each one's dbh for reproduction. More...
int * mp_iTimestepsSinceLastMast
 Number of years since the last mast for each species. More...
short int * mp_iIndexes
 This will speed access to the other arrays by storing each species' array index so the other arrays only have to be as big as the number of unique species for this behavior. More...
short int * mp_iGroup
 Group affiliation of the species. More...
 What PDF is used to draw the STR. More...
 Which function is used by species. More...
bool * mp_bDrawSTRPerSpecies
 Whether to draw STR once per species (true) or once per tree (false). More...
enum mastEventmp_iEvent
 Which event is occurring in the current timestep for each species. More...
char * m_cQuery
 Query to perform to search for trees. More...
 Function pointer array for the appropriate function for calculating the number of seeds. More...
int m_iNumYearsPerTimestep
 Number of years per timestep. More...
int m_iMaxDistance
 Maximum distance, in meters, a seed can disperse - which is the maximum dimension of the grid with max of 1000 m. More...
int m_iMaxTimesteps
 Maximum timesteps before a masting event occurs after a first masting event. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from clDisperseBase
bool m_bHooked
- Protected Attributes inherited from clBehaviorBase
short int m_iNumSpeciesTypeCombos
 How many type/species combos a behavior will act on. More...
short int m_iNumBehaviorSpecies
 How many distinct species are in the combo list - important for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More...
short int * mp_iWhatSpecies
 List of distinct species - for filling species-specific values from parameter file. More...
 Array of species/type combos that the behavior will act on. More...
short int m_iNewTreeInts
 The number of new tree integer data members this behavior wants to add. More...
short int m_iNewTreeFloats
 The number of new tree float data members this behavior wants to add. More...
short int m_iNewTreeChars
 The number of new tree character data members this behavior wants to add. More...
short int m_iNewTreeBools
 The number of new tree boolean data members this behavior wants to add. More...
short int m_iBehaviorListNumber
 The number of this behavior in the behavior list, to differentiate between possible multiple copies of this behavior. More...
float m_fVersionNumber
 Version number - this will be rounded to 2 digits after the decimal place. More...
std::string m_sXMLRoot
 XML root that encloses the parameters for this behavior. More...
float m_fMinimumVersionNumber
 Minimum version number - this behavior will run parameter data for a file marked between this number and the current version number, inclusive. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from clWorkerBase
std::string m_sNameString
 If a behavior has registered a command line command with the sim manager, this allows it to be called. More...
 Pointer to the simulation manager object. More...
int * mp_iAllowedFileTypes
 List of the input file types this object can handle. More...
int m_iNumAllowedTypes
 Number of input file types this object can handle. More...


class clTestMastingSpatialDisperse

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Attributes inherited from clDisperseBase
static clDisperseOrgmp_oDisperseOrg
 clDisperseOrg object - this pointer is held in common by all shells More...
static clGridmp_oSeedGrid
 Seed grid. More...
static short int * mp_iNumSeedsCode
 Data member codes for "dispersed seeds" grid for "seeds_x" data member. More...
static short int m_iGapCountCode
 Data member code - for counting trees for gap status. More...
static short int m_iIsGapCode
 Data member code for substrate grid for gap status. More...
static short int m_iTotalSpecies
 Total number of species. More...
static bool m_bUpdatedGapStatus
 A flag indicating whether or not the gap status of the seed grid has been updated this timestep. More...
static bool m_bIsStochastic
 Whether dispersal is stochastic (true) or deterministic (false). More...

Detailed Description

Spatial disperse with masting - Version 1.0.

This class creates and disperses seeds according to the spatially-explicit model, allowing for masting events.

Masting is controlled by the cumulative distribution function: y = 1/(1 + (X / a)^b) where X is the time in years since the last mast, and a and b are parameters. The first timestep, X = 1. A random number compared to the probability distribution decides whether a mast has occurred.

The species may be organized into groups to create synchrony in masting. There can be up to N groups, where N is the number of species. If one species in a group masts, all species in the group do. Each group's mast decision is made separately, so sometimes more than one group may mast at a time.

There is a parameter for each species with the percentage of trees that participate in disperse (as a separate percentage for masting and non- masting). The set of trees, from those of above the minimum reproductive DBH, is randomly chosen each timestep.

The STR for trees can be chosen from a probability distribution function or not. It can be drawn once per species or once per tree. There are different STRs for masting and non-masting timesteps.

Once the number of seeds for a given tree has been calculated, the seeds are dispersed around the plot according to either the Weibull or Lognormal probability distribution functions.

The "seeds" are actually tallies by species in a grid. This behavior does not produce any seedlings. A separate recruitment behavior must "germinate" the seeds into seedlings according to its own rules.

The parameter file call string and namestring are both "MastingSpatialDisperse".

Copyright 2011 Charles D. Canham.

Lora E. Murphy

Edit history:
October 20, 2011 - Wiped the slate clean for SORTIE 7.0 (LEM)

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Ptr2GetNumberOfSeeds

typedef float(clMastingSpatialDisperse::* clMastingSpatialDisperse::Ptr2GetNumberOfSeeds) (const float &, const short int &)

Define a type for pointers to functions of the GetNumberOfSeeds type.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ clMastingSpatialDisperse()

clMastingSpatialDisperse::clMastingSpatialDisperse ( clSimManager p_oSimManager)


p_oSimManagerSim Manager object.

◆ ~clMastingSpatialDisperse()

clMastingSpatialDisperse::~clMastingSpatialDisperse ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ AddSeeds()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::AddSeeds ( )

Performs disperse.

First, DecideMast() is called to determine which species mast this timestep. Then, for any species with STRs that are drawn per species, fecundity is calculated. Then this gets the group of trees to which this behavior applies. For each, a random number is compared to the appropriate value in mp_fFractionParticipating to determine whether this tree will produce seeds. That tree is passed to DisperseOneParentSeeds() for seed creation and distribution.

Implements clDisperseBase.

◆ CalcMastCDF()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::CalcMastCDF ( xercesc::DOMDocument *  p_oDoc)

Calculates the masting cumulative distribution function.

This reads in the appropriate parameter values, finds the maximum number of years between mast events, then creates the CDF array. The parameters are thrown away because they are no longer needed.

p_oDocDOM tree of parsed input file.

◆ CalcSeedCDF()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::CalcSeedCDF ( xercesc::DOMDocument *  p_oDoc,
clTreePopulation p_oPop 

Calculates the cumulative distribution functions for seed dispersal.

This reads in the appropriate parameter values, finds the maximum seed dispersal distance, then creates the CDF array. The parameters are thrown away because they are no longer needed.

p_oDocDOM tree of parsed input file.
p_oPopTree population object.
stcErrif a weibull theta value is not less than 50 (to prevent pow overflows)

◆ CalculateProbabilityDistribution()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::CalculateProbabilityDistribution ( float *  p_fProbArray,
const int &  iMaxDistance,
const function iFunction,
const float &  fDispersalX0,
const float &  fThetaXb 

Calculates the normalized probability distribution for a function for one species.

p_fProbArrayThe array into which to put the normalized values.
iMaxDistanceThe maximum distance out to which to calculate the function - which must equal the size of p_fProbArray.
iFunctionFunction flag.
fDispersalX0Dispersal or X0 of the species in question, depending on the function
fThetaXbTheta or Xb of the species in question, depending on the function

◆ DecideMast()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::DecideMast ( )

Decides whether masting events occur for each species.

This takes the time since last mast and compares a random number to the value for that time in the mp_fMastCDF array. It then uses that decision to set the appropriate event flag in mp_iEvent. Then the counter value for each species in m_iTimestepsSinceLastMast is set appropriately; incremented if no mast occurred, or set to 0 if it did.

If species have group affiliations, the mast decision is made for the first species. Then all other species in that group get the same value.

◆ DisperseOneParentSeeds()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::DisperseOneParentSeeds ( clTree p_oTree,
clTreePopulation p_oPop,
clPlot p_oPlot,
float  fDbh 

Performs dispersal of seeds for one tree.

The number of seeds is calculated by using the pointer in mp_GetSeeds. Each seed is given a random azimuth direction from the parent. Then each seed is given a random distance from the parent that conforms to the chosen probability distribution function. This is done by comparing a random value to successive values in the cumulative probability array until the first array bucket that has a greater value than the random number. Once the seed has an azimuth direction and a distance, it is added to the species total in the appropriate grid cell.

p_oTreeTree for which to perform dispersal.
fDbhDBH of the tree, in cm.
p_oPlotPlot object
p_oPopTree Population object

◆ DoShellSetup()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::DoShellSetup ( xercesc::DOMDocument *  p_oDoc)

Does setup.

This sets all values in mp_iTimestepsSinceLastMast to 1. Then it calls:

  1. GetParameterFileData
  2. CalcMastCDF
  3. CalcSeedCDF
  4. FormatQueryString
  5. PopulateUsedTable
  6. SetGetSeedsFunctionPointers
p_oDocDOM tree of parsed input file.

Implements clDisperseBase.

◆ FormatQueryString()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::FormatQueryString ( clTreePopulation p_oPop)

Formats the string in m_cQuery.

This value will be used in AddSeeds() in order to get the trees to act on.

p_oPopTree Population object

◆ GetMastCDF()

float clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetMastCDF ( int  sp,
int  yr 

Gets the value of the masting cumulative distribution function at a particular point.

Value of masting CDF.

◆ GetMastEvent()

mastEvent clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetMastEvent ( int  iSp)

Get whether a given species masted this timestep.

iSpSpecies to check
mast or nonmast.

◆ GetMaxTimesteps()

int clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetMaxTimesteps ( )

Get max timesteps.

Max timesteps.

◆ GetNumberOfSeedsDrawLognormal()

float clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetNumberOfSeedsDrawLognormal ( const float &  fDbh,
const short int &  iSp 

Gets the number of seeds for a tree when the tree needs a lognormal STR draw.

seeds = STR * (DBH / 30)β

fDbhDBH of the tree, in cm
iSpTree species number
Number of seeds.

◆ GetNumberOfSeedsDrawNormal()

float clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetNumberOfSeedsDrawNormal ( const float &  fDbh,
const short int &  iSp 

Gets the number of seeds for a tree when the tree needs a normal STR draw.

seeds = STR * (DBH / 30)β

fDbhDBH of the tree, in cm
iSpTree species number
Number of seeds.

◆ GetNumberOfSeedsNoDraw()

float clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetNumberOfSeedsNoDraw ( const float &  fDbh,
const short int &  iSp 

Gets the number of seeds for a tree when there does not need to be an STR draw.

seeds = fecundity * DBHβ, Fecundity should have already been calculated.

fDbhDBH of the tree, in cm
iSpTree species number
Number of seeds.

◆ GetParameterFileData()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetParameterFileData ( xercesc::DOMDocument *  p_oDoc,
clTreePopulation p_oPop 

Extracts needed parameter file data.

(Some parameters are extracted by other setup functions and thrown away - this gets all other, permanent parameters.)

p_oDocParsed parameter file document.
  • The function codes are not valid enums
  • A beta value is greater than 25 (to prevent pow overflows)
  • A value in mp_fFractionParticipating is not between 0 and 1
p_oPopTree population object.

◆ GetTimestepsSinceLastMast()

int clMastingSpatialDisperse::GetTimestepsSinceLastMast ( int  iSp)

Gets the number of years since the last mast for a species.

Number of years since the last mast.

◆ PopulateUsedTable()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::PopulateUsedTable ( clTreePopulation p_oPop)

Declares and populates the mp_bIsUsed array.

p_oPopTree Population object

◆ SetGetSeedsFunctionPointers()

void clMastingSpatialDisperse::SetGetSeedsFunctionPointers ( )

This figures out how each species's number of seeds is calculated.

It sets the appropriate function pointers in mp_GetSeeds.

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ clTestMastingSpatialDisperse

friend class clTestMastingSpatialDisperse

Member Data Documentation

◆ m_cQuery

char* clMastingSpatialDisperse::m_cQuery

Query to perform to search for trees.

◆ m_iMaxDistance

int clMastingSpatialDisperse::m_iMaxDistance

Maximum distance, in meters, a seed can disperse - which is the maximum dimension of the grid with max of 1000 m.

◆ m_iMaxTimesteps

int clMastingSpatialDisperse::m_iMaxTimesteps

Maximum timesteps before a masting event occurs after a first masting event.

This is calculated to be the value at which all species have a prob of 0.9999, or the number of timesteps in the run, whichever is smaller.

◆ m_iNumYearsPerTimestep

int clMastingSpatialDisperse::m_iNumYearsPerTimestep

Number of years per timestep.

◆ mp_bDrawSTRPerSpecies

bool* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_bDrawSTRPerSpecies

Whether to draw STR once per species (true) or once per tree (false).

This is from the parameter file.

◆ mp_bIsUsed

bool** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_bIsUsed

Whether this behavior is used by a species/type combo.

First array index is species, second is type.

◆ mp_fBeta

double** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fBeta

Beta parameter.

The array is 2D - the first index is masting or non-masting. The second index is species. This value comes from the parameter file.

◆ mp_fDbhForReproduction

double* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fDbhForReproduction

Array of species with each one's dbh for reproduction.

◆ mp_fFecundity

float* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fFecundity

Fecundity, if it is possible to pre-calculate it.

◆ mp_fFractionParticipating

double** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fFractionParticipating

Fraction participating in disperse.

Array is 2D. First index is masting or non-masting. The second index is species. This value comes from the parameter file.

◆ mp_fMastCDF

float** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fMastCDF

Masting cumulative distribution function.

Array size is number of species by m_iMaxYears.

◆ mp_fSeedCDF

float*** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fSeedCDF

For testing.

Cumulative probability array for seed dispersal. Array size is mast or non-mast by # species by max distance. The 0th bucket will never be accessed.

◆ mp_fStrMean

double** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fStrMean

STR mean (or STR value if deterministic).

The array is 2D - the first index is masting or non-masting. The second index is species. This value comes from the parameter file.

◆ mp_fStrStdDev

double** clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_fStrStdDev

STR standard deviation.

The array is 2D - the first index is masting or non-masting. The second index is species. This value comes from the parameter file.

◆ mp_GetSeeds

Ptr2GetNumberOfSeeds* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_GetSeeds

Function pointer array for the appropriate function for calculating the number of seeds.

Array size is number of species to which this behavior applies.

◆ mp_iEvent

enum mastEvent* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iEvent

Which event is occurring in the current timestep for each species.

◆ mp_iGroup

short int* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iGroup

Group affiliation of the species.

Any species with the same group number will always mast together. Array size is species.

◆ mp_iIndexes

short int* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iIndexes

This will speed access to the other arrays by storing each species' array index so the other arrays only have to be as big as the number of unique species for this behavior.

◆ mp_iTimestepsSinceLastMast

int* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iTimestepsSinceLastMast

Number of years since the last mast for each species.

◆ mp_iWhatFunction

function* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iWhatFunction

Which function is used by species.

◆ mp_iWhatPDFForSTR

pdf* clMastingSpatialDisperse::mp_iWhatPDFForSTR

What PDF is used to draw the STR.

Only deterministic, normal, and lognormal are supported.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: