SORTIE Java Interface  1
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sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest Class Reference

This controls the drawing of a histogram for all species at once for a grid for those grids that display values by species. More...

Inheritance diagram for sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest:

Public Member Functions

 GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest (String sLabel, boolean bIsFloat, DetailedOutputFileManager oManager, String sGraphName, String sGridName)
 Constructor. More...
void timestepParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode) throws ModelException
 Adds the series to the dataset and makes values per-hectare. More...
void actionPerformed (ActionEvent oEvent)
 Performs actions for the controls in the Histogram window. More...
float getBinSize ()
 Gets the bin size for this data request's histogram. More...
boolean getUseLogarithmicAxis ()
 Gets whether or not to use a logarithmic axis. More...
void extractBatchSetupInfo (ChartInfo oInfo) throws ModelException
 Extracts information needed by the data request from the controls panel displayed to the user. More...
void getReadyForTimestepParse (int iTimestep, boolean bBatchMode)
 This nulls our dataset and recreates it, and clears all of our data vectors. More...
boolean wantAnyGridInts ()
 If our data piece that's being graphed is an integer, this returns true. More...
boolean wantAnyGridFloats ()
 If our data piece that's being graphed is a float, this returns true. More...
void addGridIntData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode)
 This will add the integer data, if the data for this chart is an int that matches the data member code. More...
void addGridFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode)
 This will add the float data, if the data for this chart is a float that matches the data member code. More...
void addGridFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode)
 Captures the data member code if we're graphing a float. More...
void addGridIntDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode)
 Captures the data member code if we're graphing an integer. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from sortie.datavisualizer.DataRequest
 DataRequest (String sChartName, DetailedOutputFileManager oManager)
 Constructor. More...
void setCurrentTimestep (int iTimestep)
 Sets the current time step. More...
void actionPerformed (java.awt.event.ActionEvent oEvent)
 If passed the order to write chart data, does it. More...
void extractBatchSetupInfo (ChartInfo oInfo) throws ModelException
 Extracts information needed by the data request from the controls panel displayed to the user. More...
boolean isFileWritingExternallyManaged ()
 Gets whether or not file writing is externally managed for this data request or whether it takes care of everything itself. More...
void getReadyForTimestepParse (int iTimestep, boolean bBatchMode) throws ModelException
 This will be called for all open data requests just before time step parsing begins. More...
void timestepParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode) throws ModelException
 This will be called for all open data requests after time step parsing is completed. More...
void outputFileParseFinished (boolean bBatchMode)
 This will be called for all open data requests after output file parsing is completed. More...
void saveChartDataToFile (boolean bJustCurrTS)
 Writes a chart's data to a file. More...
String getChartName ()
 Get the name of the chart. More...
JInternalFrame getChart ()
 Get the chart frame. More...
boolean wantAnyTreeFloats ()
 Whether or not this object wants any tree float data members. More...
boolean wantAnyTreeInts ()
 Whether or not this object wants any tree int data members. More...
boolean wantAnyTreeChars ()
 Whether or not this object wants any tree char data members. More...
boolean wantAnyTreeBools ()
 Whether or not this object wants any tree bool data members. More...
boolean wantAnyDeadTreeFloats ()
 Whether or not this object wants any dead tree float data members. More...
boolean wantAnyDeadTreeInts ()
 Whether or not this object wants any dead tree int data members. More...
boolean wantAnyDeadTreeChars ()
 Whether or not this object wants any dead tree char data members. More...
boolean wantAnyDeadTreeBools ()
 Whether or not this object wants any dead tree bool data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridFloats ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid float data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridInts ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid int data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridChars ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid char data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridBools ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid bool data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridPackageFloats ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid package float data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridPackageInts ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid package int data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridPackageChars ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid package char data members. More...
boolean wantAnyGridPackageBools ()
 Whether or not this object wants any grid package bool data members. More...
void addTreeFloatData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of tree float data from the parser. More...
void addTreeIntData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of tree int data from the parser. More...
void addTreeCharData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of tree char data from the parser. More...
void addTreeBoolData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of tree bool data from the parser. More...
void addDeadTreeFloatData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of dead tree float data from the parser. More...
void addDeadTreeIntData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of dead tree int data from the parser. More...
void addDeadTreeCharData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of dead tree char data from the parser. More...
void addDeadTreeBoolData (int iSpecies, int iType, int iCode, int iDeadCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of dead tree bool data from the parser. More...
void addGridFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid float data from the parser. More...
void addGridIntData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid int data from the parser. More...
void addGridCharData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid char data from the parser. More...
void addGridBoolData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid bool data from the parser. More...
void addGridPackageFloatData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, float fVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid package float data from the parser. More...
void addGridPackageIntData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, int iVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid package int data from the parser. More...
void addGridPackageCharData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, String sVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid package char data from the parser. More...
void addGridPackageBoolData (String sGridName, int iX, int iY, int iCode, boolean bVal, boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a piece of grid package bool data from the parser. More...
void endPackage () throws SAXException
 Announces a package has ended. More...
void endTree (boolean bBatchMode) throws SAXException
 Announces a tree record has ended. More...
void addTreeFloatDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a tree float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void addTreeIntDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a tree int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void addTreeCharDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a tree char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void addTreeBoolDataMemberCode (int iSpecies, int iType, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a tree bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...
void addGridFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void addGridIntDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void addGridCharDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void addGridBoolDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...
void addGridPackageFloatDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid package float data member code for future reference when passed float data members. More...
void addGridPackageIntDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid package int data member code for future reference when passed int data members. More...
void addGridPackageCharDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid package char data member code for future reference when passed char data members. More...
void addGridPackageBoolDataMemberCode (String sGridName, String sLabel, int iCode) throws SAXException
 Accepts a grid package bool data member code for future reference when passed bool data members. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static JPanel makeBatchControlsPanel ()
 Makes the control panel to show while in batch mode. More...

Static Public Attributes

static final String PANEL_NAME = "Histogram Panel"
 The name that is given to the control panel for this data request, which can be used with the named components finder to get access. More...
static final String NUMBER_BINS_NAME = "Number Bins"
 The name that is given to the text field holding the number of bins in the control panel for this data request. More...
static final String BIN_SIZE_NAME = "Bin Size"
 The name that is given to the text field holding the size of bins in the control panel for this data request. More...

Protected Member Functions

void writeChartDataToFile ( jOut) throws IOException
 Writes the histogram's data to tab-delimited text. More...
ModelHistogramDataset updateForVisible (Legend oLegend) throws ModelException
 Copies our dataset and includes only species marked as visible in the legend. More...
void addSeriesToDataset () throws ModelException
 This will add all series to the dataset. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from sortie.datavisualizer.DataRequest
abstract void writeChartDataToFile ( jOut) throws, ModelException
 Child classes override this to write the data behind their chart to tab-delimited text. More...

Protected Attributes

ModelHistogramDataset m_oDataset
 The dataset that will be graphed. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from sortie.datavisualizer.DataRequest
String m_sBatchFilename = ""
 File name for batch data extraction. More...
int m_iCurrentTimestep
 Current time step being parsed. More...
boolean m_bShowOneTimestep = true
 Whether this chart shows one timestep at a time (true) or all timesteps (false). More...
boolean m_bExternallyManageWriting = true
 Whether or not this data request gets its file writing managed externally. More...
ModelInternalFrame m_oChartFrame
 Chart for this request. More...
String m_sChartName
 Name string of chart. More...

Private Member Functions

int getSpeciesFromDataMemberLabel (String sLabel)
 Gets the species from a data member label which ends in "_x", where x is the species number. More...

Private Attributes

String m_sLabel
 Label root of the piece of data, as it would be passed as a data member code, with "_[x]" appended (x = species number); so if the piece of data is named "seeds_x", one per species, then this is "seeds". More...
String m_sGridName
 Name of grid. More...
boolean m_bIsFloat
 Whether our data member being graphed is a float. More...
boolean m_bIsInt
 Whether our data member being graphed is an integer. More...
JLabel m_jMinDatasetValue = new JLabel("")
 Field displaying the minimum value for the dataset. More...
JLabel m_jMaxDatasetValue = new JLabel("")
 Field displaying the maximum value for the dataset. More...
int [] mp_iDataMemberCodes
 The data member codes for this data member - one per species. More...
ArrayList< ArrayList< Number > > mp_oData
 The data - kept in an array of vectors - one per species. More...
float m_fBinSize
 Size of the histogram bins. More...
float m_fDatasetMin = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY
 Minimum dataset value. More...
float m_fDatasetMax = java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY
 Maximum dataset value. More...
int m_iNumBins
 Number of bins in the histogram. More...
boolean m_bUseLogarithmicAxis
 Whether or not to use a logarithmic axis on the Y. More...
boolean m_bRecalcBinsOnUpdate
 Whether or not we have to recalculate the bins on chart update (i.e. More...
boolean m_bShowTotal = true
 Whether or not to display a total bar in each bin. More...
java.text.NumberFormat m_jFormat = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance()
 Formatter for big numbers. More...

Static Private Attributes

static int NUMBER_BINS_DEFAULT = 10
 Default value for number of bins. More...
static double BIN_SIZE_DEFAULT = 0
 Default value for bin size. More...

Detailed Description

This controls the drawing of a histogram for all species at once for a grid for those grids that display values by species.

The label of the data is passed in the constructor. The histogram is defaulted to 10 divisions equally divided between their minimum and maximum values. Copyright: Copyright (c) Charles D. Canham 2012 Company: Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies

Lora E. Murphy

Edit history:
December 8, 2011: Wiped the slate clean for version 7 (LEM)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest()

sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest ( String  sLabel,
boolean  bIsFloat,
DetailedOutputFileManager  oManager,
String  sGraphName,
String  sGridName 


sLabelLabel root of the piece of data, as it would be passed as a data member code, with "_x" appended; so if the piece of data is named "seeds_x", one per species, then pass "seeds".
bIsFloatWhether this is float data. If this is set to false, integer data is assumed.
oManagerThe parent detailed output file manager.
sGraphNameName of graph string.
sGridNameName of grid.

Member Function Documentation

◆ actionPerformed()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.actionPerformed ( ActionEvent  oEvent)

Performs actions for the controls in the Histogram window.

oEventEvent triggered.

◆ addGridFloatData()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.addGridFloatData ( String  sGridName,
int  iX,
int  iY,
int  iCode,
float  fVal,
boolean  bBatchMode 

This will add the float data, if the data for this chart is a float that matches the data member code.

sGridNameName of the grid for this data
iXX number of the cell from which this value came
iYY number of the cell from which this value came
iCodeData member code of this value.
bBatchModeWhether not this is in the context of the batch utility.

◆ addGridFloatDataMemberCode()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.addGridFloatDataMemberCode ( String  sGridName,
String  sLabel,
int  iCode 

Captures the data member code if we're graphing a float.

sGridNameName of the grid
sLabelThe label of the data member.
iCodeThe data member code.

◆ addGridIntData()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.addGridIntData ( String  sGridName,
int  iX,
int  iY,
int  iCode,
int  iVal,
boolean  bBatchMode 

This will add the integer data, if the data for this chart is an int that matches the data member code.

sGridNameName of the grid for this data
iXX number of the cell from which this value came
iYY number of the cell from which this value came
iCodeData member code of this value.
bBatchModeWhether not this is in the context of the batch utility.

◆ addGridIntDataMemberCode()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.addGridIntDataMemberCode ( String  sGridName,
String  sLabel,
int  iCode 

Captures the data member code if we're graphing an integer.

sGridNameName of the grid
sLabelThe label of the data member.
iCodeThe data member code.

◆ addSeriesToDataset()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.addSeriesToDataset ( ) throws ModelException

This will add all series to the dataset.

ModelExceptionPassing through from underlying

◆ extractBatchSetupInfo()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.extractBatchSetupInfo ( ChartInfo  oInfo) throws ModelException

Extracts information needed by the data request from the controls panel displayed to the user.

oInfoObject which contains the chart information.

◆ getBinSize()

float sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.getBinSize ( )

Gets the bin size for this data request's histogram.

The bin size.

◆ getReadyForTimestepParse()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.getReadyForTimestepParse ( int  iTimestep,
boolean  bBatchMode 

This nulls our dataset and recreates it, and clears all of our data vectors.

◆ getSpeciesFromDataMemberLabel()

int sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.getSpeciesFromDataMemberLabel ( String  sLabel)

Gets the species from a data member label which ends in "_x", where x is the species number.

sLabelThe data member label.
The species number, or -1 if none exists.

◆ getUseLogarithmicAxis()

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.getUseLogarithmicAxis ( )

Gets whether or not to use a logarithmic axis.

True if a logarithmic axis should be used, or false if a linear axis should be used.

◆ makeBatchControlsPanel()

static JPanel sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.makeBatchControlsPanel ( )

Makes the control panel to show while in batch mode.

Panel with batch controls.

◆ timestepParseFinished()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.timestepParseFinished ( boolean  bBatchMode) throws ModelException

Adds the series to the dataset and makes values per-hectare.

bBatchModeWhether or not this is batch mode.

◆ updateForVisible()

ModelHistogramDataset sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.updateForVisible ( Legend  oLegend) throws ModelException

Copies our dataset and includes only species marked as visible in the legend.

oLegendLegend for this chart.
The copied dataset.
ModelExceptionPassing through an underlying exception.

◆ wantAnyGridFloats()

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.wantAnyGridFloats ( )

If our data piece that's being graphed is a float, this returns true.

Otherwise, false.

Whether this object's data piece is a float.

◆ wantAnyGridInts()

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.wantAnyGridInts ( )

If our data piece that's being graphed is an integer, this returns true.

Otherwise, false.

Whether this object's data piece is an integer.

◆ writeChartDataToFile()

void sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.writeChartDataToFile (  jOut) throws IOException

Writes the histogram's data to tab-delimited text.

Parameters The file to write to.
Exceptions there's a problem writing the file.

Member Data Documentation


double sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.BIN_SIZE_DEFAULT = 0

Default value for bin size.


final String sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.BIN_SIZE_NAME = "Bin Size"

The name that is given to the text field holding the size of bins in the control panel for this data request.

◆ m_bIsFloat

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_bIsFloat

Whether our data member being graphed is a float.

◆ m_bIsInt

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_bIsInt

Whether our data member being graphed is an integer.

◆ m_bRecalcBinsOnUpdate

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_bRecalcBinsOnUpdate

Whether or not we have to recalculate the bins on chart update (i.e.

we are charting an unknown data type without defaults)

◆ m_bShowTotal

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_bShowTotal = true

Whether or not to display a total bar in each bin.

◆ m_bUseLogarithmicAxis

boolean sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_bUseLogarithmicAxis

Whether or not to use a logarithmic axis on the Y.

◆ m_fBinSize

float sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_fBinSize

Size of the histogram bins.

◆ m_fDatasetMax

float sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_fDatasetMax = java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY

Maximum dataset value.

◆ m_fDatasetMin

float sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_fDatasetMin = java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY

Minimum dataset value.

◆ m_iNumBins

int sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_iNumBins

Number of bins in the histogram.

◆ m_jFormat

java.text.NumberFormat sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_jFormat = java.text.NumberFormat.getInstance()

Formatter for big numbers.

◆ m_jMaxDatasetValue

JLabel sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_jMaxDatasetValue = new JLabel("")

Field displaying the maximum value for the dataset.

◆ m_jMinDatasetValue

JLabel sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_jMinDatasetValue = new JLabel("")

Field displaying the minimum value for the dataset.

◆ m_oDataset

ModelHistogramDataset sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_oDataset

The dataset that will be graphed.

◆ m_sGridName

String sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_sGridName

Name of grid.

◆ m_sLabel

String sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.m_sLabel

Label root of the piece of data, as it would be passed as a data member code, with "_[x]" appended (x = species number); so if the piece of data is named "seeds_x", one per species, then this is "seeds".

◆ mp_iDataMemberCodes

int [] sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.mp_iDataMemberCodes

The data member codes for this data member - one per species.

◆ mp_oData

ArrayList<ArrayList<Number> > sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.mp_oData

The data - kept in an array of vectors - one per species.


int sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.NUMBER_BINS_DEFAULT = 10

Default value for number of bins.


final String sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.NUMBER_BINS_NAME = "Number Bins"

The name that is given to the text field holding the number of bins in the control panel for this data request.


final String sortie.datavisualizer.GridAllSpeciesHistogramDataRequest.PANEL_NAME = "Histogram Panel"

The name that is given to the control panel for this data request, which can be used with the named components finder to get access.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: