SORTIE Core C++ Documentation
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 CclBehaviorManager::behaviorDataHolds setup information for a single behavior object
 CboolValStructure for holding species-specific boolean values
 CclAllometryAllometry Class - Version 2.4 This handles allometric calculations for trees
 CclCrowdingEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a crowding effect
 CclCrowdingEffectDefaultThis class calculates a crowding effect using the default function
 CclCrowdingEffectNoneClass that provides no crowding effect (value of 1)
 CclCrowdingEffectNoSizeCalculates a crowding effect with no size term
 CclCrowdingEffectTempDepThis class calculates a crowding effect using the function:
 CclCrowdingEffectTwoCalculates a crowding effect which is a slight variation on the one in clDefaultCrowdingEffect
 CclDamageEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a damage effect
 CclDamageEffectDefaultThis returns the damage effect due to storms
 CclDamageEffectNoneClass that provides no damage effect (value of 1)
 CclDeadTreeDead tree class - Version 1.0
 CclDisperseOrgDisperse org - Version 1.0
 CclGrowthOrgClass for organizing growth behaviors
 CclInfectionEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate an infection effect
 CclInfectionEffectThis returns the infection effect using the function:
Infection Effect = a * ln(T) + b where:
 CclInfectionEffectNoneProvides no infection effect (returns a value of 1)
 CclInfectionEffectSizeDependentThis returns the infection effect using the function:
Infection Effect = [a * ln(T) + b] * exp(-0.5*[( ((DBH-Xp)/X0) / Xb)^2] where:
 CclLightOrgLight org - Version 1.0
 CclModelMathSORTIE math library
 CclMortalityOrgMortality org - Version 1.1
 CclNCIBehaviorBaseNCI behavior base
 CclNCIMasterGrowthNCI growth - Version 3.0
 CclNCIMasterMortalityNCI Mortality - Version 3.0
 CclNCIMasterQuadratGrowthNCI quadrat growth - Version 1.0
 CclNCITermBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate the NCI term(s)
 CclNCILargerNeighborsThe NCI term is simply a count of sapling and adult neighbors with a larger DBH than the target within a certain radius, subject to a minimum value
 CclNCINeighborBAThis calculates an NCI term which is the sum of BA of neighbors
 CclNCITermBARatioThis calculates a basal area ratio for a tree
 CclNCITermBARatioDBHDefaultThis calculates a basal area ratio for a tree, using a single default value for target tree size
 CclNCITermDefaultThis calculates NCI for a tree according to the default function
 CclNCITermNCIBARatioThis calculates NCI for a tree according to the function:
 CclNCITermNoneClass that provides no NCI term (value of 1)
 CclNCITermWithNeighborDamageCalculates NCI according to a function that takes into account neighbors damaged by storms (class clStormDamageApplier)
 CclNCIWithSeedlingsCalculates NCI and allows seedlings to compete
 CclNitrogenEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a nitrogen effect
 CclNitrogenEffectGaussianThis returns the nitrogen effect using a gaussian function
 CclNitrogenEffectNoneProvides no nitrogen effect (returns a value of 1)
 CclObjectManagerBaseOBJECT MANAGER - Version 1.0
 CclBehaviorManagerBehaviors - Version 1.0 Behavior Manager
 CclGridManagerGrid Manager - Version 1.0 The file names for this unit are TheGrids.x because for some reason "Grids" were unacceptable to Builder
 CclPopulationManagerPopulations - Version 1.1 Population object manager
 CclPackagePackage Class This class is for packages, which are used by grids
 CclPrecipitationEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a precipitation effect
 CclPrecipitationEffectDoubleLogisticThis returns the precipitation effect using a double logistic function
 CclPrecipitationEffectNoneProvides no precipitation effect (returns a value of 1)
 CclPrecipitationEffectWeibullThis returns the precipitation effect using a Weibull function
 CclShadingEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a shading effect
 CclShadingEffectDefaultThis implements the default shading effect
 CclShadingEffectNoneClass that provides no shading effect (value of 1)
 CclSimManagerSIMULATION MANAGER - Version 1.0
 CclSizeEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a size effect
 CclSizeEffectCompoundExpInfCalculates the size effect with a compound exponential function
 CclSizeEffectCompoundExponentialCalculates the size effect with a compound exponential function
 CclSizeEffectDefaultCalculates the default size effect
 CclSizeEffectLowerBoundedCalculates the size effect
 CclSizeEffectNoneClass that provides no size effect (value of 1)
 CclSizeEffectPowerFunctionCalculates the size effect as a power function
 CclSizeEffectShiftedLogInfCalculates a size effect based on a shifted lognormal function
 CclSizeEffectShiftedLognormalCalculates a size effect based on a shifted lognormal function
 CclTemperatureEffectBaseProvides a base for objects that calculate a temperature effect
 CclTemperatureEffectDoubleLogisticThis returns the temperature effect using a double logistic function
 CclTemperatureEffectNoneProvides no temperature effect (returns a value of 1)
 CclTemperatureEffectWeibullThis returns the temperature effect using a Weibull function
 CclTreeTree class - Version 1.0
 CclTreeSearchTree Search Class - Version 1.1 This class controls the feeding of individual trees to behavior objects
 CclWorkerBaseWORKER BASE - Version 1.0
 CclBehaviorBaseBehaviorBase - Version 2.0 This class acts as a virtual parent for all behavior classes
 CclGridGrid Base - Version 1.0 Objects of the grid data type will be instantiated from this class
 CclPlotPLOT CLASS - Version 1.0 This class represents the underlying plot
 CclPopulationBasePopulationBase - Version 1.0 This class acts as a virtual parent for all population classes
 CdoubleValStructure for holding species-specific double values
 CintValStructure for holding species-specific float values
 CmodelErrError reporting structure
 CmodelMsgThis is the structure for sending and receiving messages
 CclNCITermBase::ncivalsHolds multiple values for NCI
 CclTreePopulation::speciesCodesFor maintaining a list of species and their codes
 CclAbsoluteGrowth::stcCodesHolds the return codes for the new float tree data members for a particular tree type
 CclShortOutput::stcCoordsStructure for holding coordinates
 CclGLIPoints::stcCoordsStructure for holding GLI points
 CclDisturbance::stcGridListHolds a linked list of grid cells
 CclPlant::stcGridListHolds a linked list of grid cells
 CclOutput::stcGridOutputInfoData structure for defining what grid output data to save
 CclTreePopulation::stcOpenSearchesHolds open tree searches
 CstcSpeciesTypeComboHolds species/type combos
 CclStorm::stcStormsStructure for holding scheduled storm events
 CclShortOutput::stcSubplotInfoData structure for saving subplot data
 CclOutput::stcSubplotInfoData structure for saving subplot data
 CclDisturbance::stcTreeGridListHolds a linked list of tree grid cells that correspond to the harvest area
 CclOutput::stcTreeOutputInfoDefines what tree output data to save